

Around four years ago, I quit my corporate job, which I liked, dropped out of my computer science degree, and decided to pursue a career as an artist. At that time, my understanding and plan were unclear. I had no connections, no valuable skills, no money to invest—nothing. The whole situation can be summarized as starting from zero.

While navigating this journey and developing myself, I have gained clarity and a better perspective with each iteration of the plan. I still don’t know how to achieve success, but I have a serious grasp on what does not work. I am much better at identifying distractions and dead ends. I call it the “anti-vision,” and it’s surprisingly helpful in narrowing down the path.

So what’s my plan?

Before I can proceed, I need to ensure I have the necessary skills. My goal is to build a business that allows me to manage my time as I please and provides me with enough assets and capabilities to freely pursue objectives that have low return on investment value, such as creating art for artistic expression rather than aiming for numbers.

I know myself well enough to realize that my challenge is not lack of dream and vision for the future, but rather scaling down the vision to small actionable everyday steps. In the upcoming entries, I will be doing just that.

Expect shorter, more frequent updates from me. Also, because speed is crucial to success, I am trying to enforce accountability by being consistent with myself. That’s also one of the reasons why I post these entries.
